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Blog writing is NOT rocket science…

But it can get messy and meandering
Whether you write it. Or you give it to your team. Or you have to ‘direct’ your freelancer. Or agency
If you are not a pro-blogger you may meander into unwanted directions. And lose the possible outcome.  Here is a checklist that gets you out of the messy situation and gets you into a meaningful direction.

This checklist will help you to

  • Plan the blog
  • Structure your thoughts
  • Create a flow
  • Imagine hooks 
  • Write in a professional manner
  • Review and improvise
  • Address all the other bells and whistle
  • Address the DONTs
  • Refer tools to make your life easier
  • Make reading a pleasure (for your audience)
  • And, get your prospect to take the next action (towards your business goal)

Blog Checklist

Please fill your details to download the checklist.